The 10 Best Retail Merchant Accounts
Your retail business needs a dependable processor with competitive services in order to reach more customers. However, finding the best one can be a huge undertaking. There are several merchant account providers in the UK and each one comes with a set of their own advantages and disadvantages.
When searching for the right processor, it’s important to consider account fees, available support, contract specifics in regards to duration, ability to cancel, fraud protection, high risk management and other services that can provide support for your retail business. You need to evaluate your company’s priorities, such as online processing, mobile card machines and more.
We’ve tried to take a bit of the work off of your shoulders by compiling a list of the 10 best retail processors in the UK, identifying pros, cons and specialty features to help you make an informed decision.
You should also never go with a processor that doesn’t provide multiple levels of security. All of the following processors are 3-D Secure, which includes a number of screening tools to keep your transactions safe from fraud.